Fools with smart gadgets...Darwin must be smiling wherever he is...


Elder Lister
Irresponsible Tesla Owners Leave Driver's Seat Empty To Keep Drinking

Irresponsible Tesla Owners Leave Driver's Seat Empty To Keep Drinking

Social media is all about attention-seeking and very often it goes too far. Such is the case with a bunch of irresponsible guys who decide to continue drinking and singing offkey to Justin Bieber's 2010 hit "Baby" while letting the Autopilot in their Tesla Model S drive by itself.

You might be wondering how we know that this event actually happened. Well, because these dimwits actually posted video evidence of their many crimes, including drunk driving and having open fluid containers in their car, to TikTok.

According to The Drive, the singing friends were going down a highway at 65 mph (104 km/h) with the driver's seat completely empty and just Autopilot to guide the speeding car. If you would like to see the video, but don't want to reward bad behavior with more views, you can watch the clip on TMZ.

The media outlets refer to these dangerous boys as clowns, morons, and idiots and explain how Tesla's Autopilot is not meant to be used as a designated driver despite Elon Musk's attempts at making the software completely autonomous.
A Tesla on Autopilot always requires a driver behind the wheel particularly to avoid accidents, which these young men seem to be heading straight for. In fact, even with a driver behind the wheel, Teslas on Autopilot have seen their fair share of crashes that have killed at least four people so far.
This is something that many followers on Tik Tok pointed out to the video's poster but something he clearly ignored as the clip is still online and gathering ever more likes and views. Needless to say, it is dangerous and irresponsible, to give attention to such behavior that's why we declined to embed the video here. Here's hoping that not more people will seek to emulate's actions.
-Interesting Engineering