Five-Day Weekend Loading ⏳


Elder Lister
Sometimes I wish we could go the Chinese way tunachapa job 11months straight 7days a week alafu we have a month holiday!
Hii nchi Iko na mashida mingi kupindukia.
Chinese have 17 holidays per year
Sometimes I wish we could go the Chinese way tunachapa job 11months straight 7days a week alafu we have a month holiday!
Hii nchi Iko na mashida mingi kupindukia.



Elder Lister
Still unnecessary. Religion = Upuss. One week ago ilikuwa Easter. Significance? Even those who call themselves Christians don't know the meaning- because they were borrowed from pagan festivals.
Must we celebrate a dead by giving a holiday? In a poor country like this, that's too many hours wasted for nothing
Do you seriously believe that working a few more days a year would solve Kenyan problems?