Double Trouble


New Lister
I remember during my hey days, when we had started being real men. The standards of our village was for a boy to become a Man, one had to undergo the Cut, Make love to a gal(s) and imbibe alcohol. So by those standards, after you could see the young initiated boys and gals chasing after each other and for the boys we had to irrigate our throats after having some good times making the village damsels scream on top of their voices.

It is during these 'vikaos' where one was gauged. How many s*xcapades has one had and how much tolerance one had to the local brew chang'aa. Now for the s*xcapades we lied alot, we embellished our stories so much and they at one time sounded so real that the narrator could believe the stories himself. You know how Men are in exaggerating such. The problem came after a glass or two. The picture one had painted of himself as being a real Man in shagging the village kienyejis sent a different meaning as many of us were so drunk that most had series of blackouts, puking and others were extreme as they wet their bloody selves. There was this one local brewer who brewed the best/worst chang'aa dependingbon where you are standing. This lady was from Kisii. And she made me fear chang'aa from that area because of the things a glass or two would make you do. (On this I know I'm not alone. Most of you guys reading this fear chang'aa from Kisii)
But as you know promises of no longer taking alcohol made during a hangover are never kept. We found ourselves back to the brewer drinking ourselves stupid

Money for chang'aa came from various sources: stealing eggs, chicken, or doing manual works here and there they called them Kibarua.

It is during one of the kibaruas that me and my pal Alfred found ourselves in the home of a highly decorated High School Teacher who was known all over our village and beyond. Apart from being the most strict Deputy Principal in a notorious boy's school, she had three very beautiful daughters. The girls were very beautiful and very welcoming, atleast that is what we found out after being in their home, they were also heavily endowed looking at both the front and backside. One of them had a gap on her upper teeth and some sexy dimples and to crown it all she loved to laugh. That bewitching laugh that these girls have. Her name was Mercy. I at that moment felt in lust with her and promised myself I have to dip my manhood into hers.

My friend Alfred had a liking to the other girl who was also beautiful, her name was Brenda. Whatever was in my mind was also in Alfred's mind. We had to prolong the harvesting of maize to take a few days. This was a strategic plan to give us adequate time in getting to know the girls better and throwing the net.

The first day we left early promising to come the following day to continue with the kibarua. The No nonsense mum had no problem as long as we completed the harvest that is when she would pay us. In my mind I knew I had to pay myself in kind.

The second day we passed through the mama pima and carried a bottle of Chang'aa those days It was 60bob. Very cheap. This chang'aa was to give us bravery in facing the girls. That's what we thought.

As we were busy harvesting maize and drinking small small sips at an interval, the weather started changing and rain was close. So we requested the girls to come help us carry the maize already on the ground to the maize stores. The willingly accepted. luck was on our side because the younger one whom none of us was interested in had gone with the mum to a church function to plan for a wedding or something. So we were left with Brenda and Mercy alone in the homestead

We started flirting and they really enjoyed it. As we were nearly completing Brenda stumbled across the bottle of booze and wondered loudly what that was as she was opening it and smelling the contents. It happened so fast that before we found the answer she shouted 'alcohol' in Mother tongue. The other got curious too and went for the bottle only this time taking a sip. I was very shocked and dumbfounded. I expected her to spit because the chang'aa was very strong but she went for the second sip. (Fast forward, nowadays my sweet Mercy ended up opening a big bar somewhere in Njoro) Now things got interesting as Brenda demanded to have a taste claiming that Mercy would finish up the bottle. Everybody had forgotten about the rain and it had started raining. So we picked the remaining maize which were on the ground and ran to the Main house. I don't remember between the two girls who carried the illicit brew.

At home we were ushered into the main house as the girls went to the kitchen to prepare some food. Mercy gave me the bottle and told us not to drink until we ate. So as we were sitting waiting for the food, amid fear the mum might find us. But we promised ourselves to go immediately the rain stoped.

Food came, we ate and it was time to drink. The girls brought glasses and we poured the drink, sharing it equally to the four of us. Mercy suggested we move out of the main house to the workers house. Who by then was not at home. I think he was on leave or something. We went to the 'cube' continued drinking and caressing the damsels. I don't know why girls get horny when drunk. Because the gals were beyond control. They so much wanted the stick to the extent of making us have doubts. Mine had thrown away her blouse and had only a bra. Those that look like vests but made in a way to support the boobs we made out a little bit and started the main activity. Which I must admit was very enjoyable. Having in mind that the gal was starved, being in boarding school and having a strict mother.

I don't remember how long we had stayed busy but I remember that it got dark. I think we slept or something.

The mum had come back from wherever she had gone and was shocked to find no one at home. The cows and Sheep had not been brought back from grazing and chicken had been rained on. Waiting for the kitchen door to be opened. She was furious. She called out the names of the girls but no one answered.

Now we were dead. Hearing her voice calling out made me and Alfred shiver knowing what ever she could do to us upon finding out was never friendly.

As we were busy looking for a place to hide, the lastborn ambushed us. And that is where I hated last borns with all my heart. She just called out to the mum without even warning us. She shut the door from outside and ran home. The funny thing there was no window and escaping was not possible. So we sat there and waited. Alcohol had made the two girls very brave and they appeared not to care. We on the other hand, saying that I didn't pee on myself a little bi, I would be lying.

Screams and shouts were heard from outside and within no time the Chief and his askaris came and took us to those KANU offices. Let's just say we were beaten to pulp, one for drinking alcohol and two for lying to school going girls, introducing them to alcohol and taking advantage of them.

The good thing is that we slept in cells and the morning our parents came to pick us so we were not taken to court or anything, coz after all we were all school going children.

Other than being beaten to pulp and forfeiting our pay of 400/- which was a LOT of money those days in the village we were considered hereos. For attempting to eat where none so far had ever. That in itself earned us respect and free alcohol as long as we narrated the escapades to any willing litsener
Right now the Mother of the girls retired as a teacher and she is a full time potato farmer. I am planning to go ask for my 400/- soon


Elder Lister
Staff member
Haha Lol, That reminds me pia siku ingine nimeenda to the valley and found myself facing a panga wielding mama asking me which of her daughters I had come for with my blackie, all the while swinging the panga at me. kama ananihata!


New Lister
Haha Lol, That reminds me pia siku ingine nimeenda to the valley and found myself facing a panga wielding mama asking me which of her daughters I had come for with my blackie, all the while swinging the panga at me. kama ananihata!
Haha huyo alikuwa anataka kuwa sure mtoto wake anapata bwana. Vitisho baridi. But during those days hungesmama kungoja kuona kama anatisha ama hapana. MBIOOO


Elder Lister
Staff member
Haha huyo alikuwa anataka kuwa sure mtoto wake anapata bwana. Vitisho baridi. But during those days hungesmama kungoja kuona kama anatisha ama hapana. MBIOOO
shida ilikuwa kule chini kwa valley and I had my bike with me, no way was I going to run and leave it there....If i did I would never have seen it again, na singerudi nyumbani!

Denis Young

Elder Lister
Kwani how old are some of you. I used to hear stories like this from my late grandfather... Hehe

I must say some of you had very interesting childhoods..