Did you know #5


New Lister
1. Watching horror movies actually burns more calories than any other genre.

2. 15% of iPhone users use an iPhone with a broken screen.

3. Scientists estimate that the average person will fall in love seven times before getting married

4. According to a study, a woman is more responsive to romance when her stomach is full.

5. Limerence is the technical term for having a crush on a person.

6. Andre Stander, a South African policeman and criminal, robbed banks on his lunch break and often returned as the investigating officer

7. Marijuana was initially made illegal in 1937 by a man who testified the drug made white women want to be with black men.

8. Scientists have no idea why we sleep.

9. A German study concludes that staring at women's breasts for 10 minutes a day is better for your health than going to the gym.

10. In 2007, Iran arrested 14 squirrels for spying.