CNN gets red pilled once again


Elder Lister
So what is this redpilling? I am even more confused now...

"There is no one true definition of red-pilling, so red-pilling can be anything. But there is a certain type of person who proudly proclaims to have taken the red pill most often. Men like Cesar Sayoc, the man who sent improvised explosive devices to critics of Donald Trump, and far-right conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. Men who hate feminism, who are against liberal ideas, men who believe in things like pizzagate, pick-up artists (PUAs), the manosphere (a group of online communities that include MRAs, PUAs, incels and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) among others) and QAnon."
Al Jazeera


Elder Lister
So what is this redpilling? I am even more confused now...

"There is no one true definition of red-pilling, so red-pilling can be anything. But there is a certain type of person who proudly proclaims to have taken the red pill most often. Men like Cesar Sayoc, the man who sent improvised explosive devices to critics of Donald Trump, and far-right conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. Men who hate feminism, who are against liberal ideas, men who believe in things like pizzagate, pick-up artists (PUAs), the manosphere (a group of online communities that include MRAs, PUAs, incels and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) among others) and QAnon."
Al Jazeera
You think he even knows?


Elder Lister
Staff member
So what is this redpilling? I am even more confused now...

"There is no one true definition of red-pilling, so red-pilling can be anything. But there is a certain type of person who proudly proclaims to have taken the red pill most often. Men like Cesar Sayoc, the man who sent improvised explosive devices to critics of Donald Trump, and far-right conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. Men who hate feminism, who are against liberal ideas, men who believe in things like pizzagate, pick-up artists (PUAs), the manosphere (a group of online communities that include MRAs, PUAs, incels and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) among others) and QAnon."
Al Jazeera
Have you watched the Matrix, Red pilling came from there, there is a whole narrative behind it but it basically means getting to know the truth no-matter how much it hurts. The opposite is being bluepilled!