Causes of weight gain

Weight gain is basically an increase in fat deposits and excess fluids such as water in the human body, which may lead to a certain medical condition.

One doesn't notice when they gain weight and the environment they are in should empathise with them and encourage ways to lose their weights and go back to normal.

The weight gain can be intentional and unintentional. Intentional weight gain is uncommon since not so many people want to be heavy while unintentional weight gain is the most common amongst men and women.

Unintentional weight gain happens when you don't change your normal activities or take in hormonal medicines to gain weight, gaining weight unintentionally may be due to but not limited to;

1. Pregnancy
2. Food addiction
3. Genes
4. Fluid retention
5. Misinformation

1. Pregnancy

During pregnancies, women go through many changes in their bodies, which lead to hormonal imbalances. Pregnant women tend to eat more to support the growth of the unborn child which leads to unintentional weight gain. The excess weight consists of the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood supply, and an enlarging uterus.

2. Food addiction

Food addiction is real, people tend to eat a lot of junk foods and street food anytime and anywhere, this leads to weight gain. Being addicted to food makes you have the urge of eating every time you smell good food even if you've eaten. You tend to lose control whenever you see food. Try and adopted 'there's always food at home' to help maintain your weight.

3. Genes

Weight gain may be genetic. Everyone in your family could be obese. If your parents are obese, then you have a high chance of becoming obese as well. It all comes with what you eat, having obesity in the family doesn't guarantee to be obese as well. Taking good care of yourself in terms of what you eat could help you maintain your weight.

4. Fluid retention

This happens when excess fluids build up inside the body. This leads to fluid swelling, also known as edema, which can cause your limbs, hands, feet, face, or abdomen to look swollen. People with heart conditions or kidney failures might gain weight due to fluid retention. One is advised to visit the doctor if they suddenly gain weight.

5. Misinformation

Nutritionist all over the world advocate for healthy eating and if this information is not received properly, one might gain weight but not following instructions. Food companies also play a role. Some promote products, such as weight loss supplements, that does the opposite.


Elder Lister
You forgot "fetishism" and business purposes. The feeders get their fetish needs satisfied and the feedees make money while eating.

There's lots of YouTubes making money at 400 lbs + (there's 2 who are more than 625 lbs) simply because the feeder community loves seeing (women especially) eating large amounts of food. They not only contribute to revenue by watching the videos, they also send the fedees money through venmo, PayPal and even gift cards. It's a very lucrative job for those with eating disorders and a death wish.

It's Me Scumbag

Elder Lister
You forgot "fetishism" and business purposes. The feeders get their fetish needs satisfied and the feedees make money while eating.

There's lots of YouTubes making money at 400 lbs + (there's 2 who are more than 625 lbs) simply because the feeder community loves seeing (women especially) eating large amounts of food. They not only contribute to revenue by watching the videos, they also send the fedees money through venmo, PayPal and even gift cards. It's a very lucrative job for those with eating disorders and a death wish.
Don't want to make money yaself?


Elder Lister
You forgot "fetishism" and business purposes. The feeders get their fetish needs satisfied and the feedees make money while eating.

There's lots of YouTubes making money at 400 lbs + (there's 2 who are more than 625 lbs) simply because the feeder community loves seeing (women especially) eating large amounts of food. They not only contribute to revenue by watching the videos, they also send the fedees money through venmo, PayPal and even gift cards. It's a very lucrative job for those with eating disorders and a death wish.
😳 This is news to me!


Elder Lister
😳 This is news to me!
The one youtuber who doesn't hide it and actually has a pornhub channel of her own where she just eats while naked or shows off her morbidly obese body is HungryFatChick.

She's never actually fvcked or even sucked deek on camera although they had her acting out semi-lesbian scenes where she was massaged by another woman or related faux-sexual contact etc.

That being said, I think most people were exposed to the feeder community in the 90s when Oprah featured a Nigerian man who lived in the US and had overfed his white wife to the point where she holds the guiness world record for having sustained a successful pregnancy to birth at the highest weight recorded ever. It was pretty explicit because the husband actually admitted to having involuntary ejaculations while watching her eat or feeding her himself. They also showed her doing her "job" which was just her taking pics of herself eating, partially naked etc for her fans who then sent her money and gifts. This was in the 90s! I remember it because my child-eyes needed bleaching after that episode.


Elder Lister
Others who clearly cater to these fetish and are financed by feeders but would never openly admit it because its against YouTube's policies and could lead to having their channels deleted or videos demonetised are "Foodie Beauty" and "Amberlynn Reid"

They always exaggerate their moaning and eyerolling plus tongue movements in suggestive ways while filming themselves eating.

Amberlynn Reid made $15,000 on bad months at her peak. She's currently circling 600lbs and her social blade says she's still at around $8 - 10k monthly sooooooooooo yeah


Elder Lister
The one youtuber who doesn't hide it and actually has a pornhub channel of her own where she just eats while naked or shows off her morbidly obese body is HungryFatChick.

She's never actually fvcked or even sucked deek on camera although they had her acting out semi-lesbian scenes where she was massaged by another woman or related faux-sexual contact etc.

That being said, I think most people were exposed to the feeder community in the 90s when Oprah featured a Nigerian man who lived in the US and had overfed his white wife to the point where she holds the guiness world record for having sustained a successful pregnancy to birth at the highest weight recorded ever. It was pretty explicit because the husband actually admitted to having involuntary ejaculations while watching her eat or feeding her himself. They also showed her doing her "job" which was just her taking pics of herself eating, partially naked etc for her fans who then sent her money and gifts. This was in the 90s! I remember it because my child-eyes needed bleaching after that episode.
Wah! This is ‘different’ to say the least. I’d never have imagined it.