Busia flood victims want romance in camps


Senior Lister
May 5, 2020 7:41 AM
Displaced Victims of flood in Busia County who are now in camps have complained of having difficult time in fulfilling conjugal rights to their partners.
The displaced lot of Bunyala south has revealed that bedroom matters can no longer be addressed totally since they have now been fashioned to sleep in crowds.

Other fundamentals like matters concerning health for example the risk of contracting contagious diseases like corona virus, malaria and water-borne infections is nothing here compared to the plight of romantic escapades.

The men in particular, lamented how it has become a nightmare to perform the late night duties to their wives in front of glaring crowds.
According to them, the camp in which they have settled in has hosted over 600 people and has deprived their privacy for bedroom affairs as people now sleep in classrooms together with their children and neighbours.

The situation has left some of them in a burnout and thirst for great romance they are missing.
Speaking to the press at Bubango primary school where they have set camp, they said that they might be forced to seek alternative places to take their wives to quench their thirst including settling in thickets around.
"We are unable to fullfill our conjugual rights here at the camp,"said one of them.
The men have requested that each family to be given a classroom of their own so that they can fulfil their desires with minimal disturbance.
Well for now this is a situation they might be forced to bare with until action can be taken by relevant authority to address the same.
