Baba and Uhuru are the past, let's create a better and more prosperous future..

I don't understand the Kenyan obsession with Raila and Uhuru. Baba is 74-years-old, and so he has, at most, 5 years of active politics left before cognitive decline catches up with him. Uhuru has only three years of presidential power left. And clearly the many years of binge drinking have taken a toll on him; he's pretty much a physically and politically spent force.

So the conundrum that should animating our political discourse is: "What caliber of leaders should we go for after this decade of Kenyatta/Odinga fuckery?" Do we have leaders who will turn around our swift social and economic descent? Can the the current band of schizophrenically greedy and and myopic leaders save us from the looming doom? Can Arap Kimwerer Singh, Chemist Joho, Crooked Kiunjuri, Childish Babu lead us to a better future?

Gruta Thunberg, a 16 year old Swedish girl is leading an environmental-change onslaught that's shifting the policies of the world's greatest economies na nyinyi mabonobo hapa all you do is discuss these two insignificant men instead of charting a new and better future your kids!?

Duke of Busia

Elder Lister
My son will enjoy Kenya more than I did/have. Imagine Kenyatta 1 mo1 Obako then Ouru and Raila as the shadow. I just hope he will enjoy Kenya post those effing guys.

Ata Mimi kwa industry I'll make sure he gets his equal share and will continue with the family business