Assembly Language Programming


Elder Lister
Any interested enthusiasts in here. I learnt basics of it ages ago. I'm interested in compiling c/c++ and python into assembler, understand obsufcation and code mangling strategies. If you are game, holler!


Staff member
But if what you are interested in is reverse Engineering them just learn an assembler language and C plus C++


Elder Lister
Ulifanya unit inaitwa "compilers"?
Read about compilers and you will understand how to translate a high level language to a low level one
It's been a long time. I'm one of those fossils that studied Fortran, Pascal, and Assembler.


Elder Lister
But if what you are interested in is reverse Engineering them just learn an assembler language and C plus C++
global _main
extern _printf

section .text
push message
call _printf
add esp, 4
db 'AU5 is an a&&hole ngombe', 10, 0


New Lister
wazito don't mention assembly languages here they remind me of a time i had to program in verilog (It was for a shiny FPGA ya expatriate) those languages are devils i lost quite a number of brain cells and some body weight but the pay was good