AoB 17022023


Elder Lister
Dear Residents of Kijiji Nursing Home,

As we all know, our nursing home is a wonderful place, filled with love, laughter, and endless opportunities to complain about the food or any of our services. However, we have noticed an alarming trend of some residents engaging in panhandling both within the premises and in the neighborhood, especially on weekends. We would like to remind you that this is strictly prohibited.

For those driven by compassion to give, please note that your acts of kindness may be encouraging dangerous habits in the begging persons. Please keep in mind that we will not be responsible for any liabilities that may arise from such activities, and we advise you to desist from giving alms to individuals. Instead, if you feel the urge to help, please forward your donations to the management. We will identify deserving cases and make sure your donations go to those who truly need them. Please note that those who continue with the begging habit will be met with immediate eviction. We are a nursing home, not a village market.

We understand that the economy is not doing great and that some of you may be down on luck. However, please remember that we are all in this together, and panhandling is not the solution. Let's work together to make our nursing home a place of respect, dignity, and compassion for all.

Thank you for your attention.


The Management