A.O.B Saturday 25rd March 2023


Elder Lister

Bread is a popular food in Middle Eastern countries. This is not the poisoned kind you buy from bakeries. Rather, it's simply bread the way it has been prepared for centuries. It's so good you can eat it for supper or lunch without getting sickly. I miss Tuskys and Uchumi bread.


Elder Lister
So, there is this young man I had hired for some work a few years back. One Friday, about the 25th of the month, he sends me a casual message at 11 p.m., requesting 500 shillings for some emergency. I am surprised where he got the courage to ask for money so casually. Normally, an emergency was to be explained in detail to justify the request. And again, I fail to understand what kind of emergency can be sorted with 500 shillings at that hour. Well, I have been around longer than him, and I know just the medicine he needs. So, what do I do? I send him his full month’s pay. Come the next day, and he shows up looking like a zombie; sleepy, red-eyed, tired, regretful, and sorrowful. My hunch was right.
He never made such requests again.