100 answers to Kenya driving school questions(Part One)

Shogun Toranaga

New Lister
Vehicle Lights Driving School Test Questions and Answers

What are Dim Lights?

These are lights that are switched on when it is getting dark. They are also switched on for a short distance viewing of oncoming vehicles.

What are parking dim lights?

They are lights that are switched on at 6: 45 AM or when it is raining or dusty.

What are full lights?

These are lights used on highways to enable the driver to see further

What are hazard lights?

These are vehicle lights that flash at the front and back of the car. They are switched on when they is a hazard or danger.

What are Indicator lights?

These are lights that are used to provide signals to other users when changing lanes, reversing and parking.

What are brake lights?

These are lights that indicate the vehicle is applying brakes.

When can you put the lights during day time?

  1. When it's foggy
  2. During heavy rainfall
  3. When it's misty
  4. During emergency
What is a vehicle?

it is an automobile power-driven machine

What is a lane?

It is a path to be followed by the vehicle

Who is a pedestrian?

  • Road users on foot
What is the rule of the road in Kenya?

Always keep left unless overtaking

Which side do you overtake from in Kenya?

From the right side

Name three documents that must be valid before you are allowed to drive?

  1. Valid driving license
  2. Valid insurance certificate
  3. Valid vehicle inspection certificate
Which vehicle has right of way?

  1. Ambulance with siren
  2. Fire engine with a siren
  3. Presidential escort with siren
  4. A police car with a siren
What is the maximum driving speed limit in town?

It is 50Km/h

What is the maximum driving speed limit on the highway?

  • For Pickups/lorries is 80Km/h
  • For Cars it is110Km/h
  • For Trailers, it is 65Km/h
When are you not allowed to drive despite having the three valid required documents?

  1. When you are sick
  2. Drunk
  3. Under drugs fatigue
What is the Highway Code?

Highway code is a booklet checked and passed by the parliament for rules of road users in Kenya

What do you look for when driving past stationary vehicles?

  • Opening of doors
  • Pedestrian crossing
What are four important tools you must carry when driving for a safari?

  1. Carjack
  2. Spare wheel
  3. Spotlight
  4. Towline.