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  1. Maasai 101

    Derby day TZ

    Leo niko Mwanza, Simba SC vs Young Africans. Admin pin this thread....will keep posting pictures on the happenings. Blessed day listers. Just want to show you guys how far Tanzania football has kenyans we need to support our local teams....The death of Thika United "medisca"...
  2. Maasai 101

    Banks vs tanks

    A... The war in ukraine is a war between military might versus economic power. Tanks win in the short-term, banks in the long-term. And unlike many things in life, here for Russia the short-term matters way more than the long one. The key for Russia is to first consolidate and then extend...
  3. Maasai 101

    The Blame Game

    In times like these, it is especially hard to get a measured assessment of the situation. Many, who have been supporting Russia in its fight to defend and protect the sovereignty of nations in the face of western imperialism and its support for terrorism; promoting a multipolar governance in...
  4. Maasai 101

    We had three months!

    When China was actively facing the threat of the virus, they say that China is overreacting and that the Chinese people live uncleanly. Westerners have superior medical and living conditions, so there is no need to worry. As a result, people in Western countries underestimated the severity of...
  5. Maasai 101

    Bonobos in UK

    Panic buying of toilet roll is leading to blocked sewers because those left without toilet paper are being forced to use alternatives and are disposing of them incorrectly. The warning comes from water company Northumbrian Water, which said an increasing number of people were flushing wipes...