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    PornHub for Dummies

    I stripped all of them.
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    I think M7 is setting Himself up. He has torn all what is sacred, split blood with careless abandon, killed and maimed. He answers to no court. He alone is the jury, the bar and the bench. One day the tables will turn. He will be at the receiving end. The yard stock He has used against...
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    Tuskys, Auctioneers vs Staff

    We learn the most most lessons only in failure. I bet even the thieving accounts are the most accountable now. All can volunteer to work overtime to save the damn company. As long as those doors are open. They have a lie to keep their debtors at bay. To some those open doors are their hope...
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    Governor Kivutha Kibwana

    Raila saved the Keroche companies from the Taxman. Wait during campaigns and see how much they will contribute. Somebody saved the Wines of the world from the Taxman too. Spirits worth 2B got lost in a way no one can explain. We will know who during campaign time. Which party leader can...
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    Governor Kivutha Kibwana

    Why don't we join the parties. Kick the mindless life sucking bots from the party management starting from the grassroots. Ensure we elect people with no interest of a political office. This to be done before campaigns. Campaign time is the real game charger. Ensure the masses come for...
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    Governor Kivutha Kibwana

    Then the party controls the person. From the jubilee events in this month, our politicians are bots. Did you see Mutula Junior support ousting of kindiki only for wiper to end up in Jubilee. It was orchestrated. How did Minji minji survive? The same Kivutha in His first term, was in...
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    Governor Kivutha Kibwana

    I decided I will no longer vote for individuals. Siasa namalizia mchunjo. I will vote for parties based on their leadership and transparency. Whichever clown gets the party certificate will be bound to do as the party demands.
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    If we are serious about fighting poaching the tusks should have remained. Officially, there is no anti-poaching, just a game of musical chairs.