Recent content by Babji

  1. B

    Getting rid of belly fat.

    Belly fat is the most harmful fat in the body,folks let's get rid of this fat as it's linked to various types of diseases. Here are the ingredients to use to fight bellyfst; Ingredients; Cloves Ginger Lipton (1teabag) 1. Preparation:Blend the cloves and grate the ginger. 2.pour in a mug...
  2. B

    Knowing the level of the gas in the cylinder

    Gas explosion is becoming a number one killer in the please folks you don't have to the gas cylinder to know the level of the content inside. What you have to do is wet the side of the cylinder with water,after a while the used part will get dry while the lower part with the gas will remain...
  3. B

    How to stop snoring

    Breathe Better, Sleep Better. Proven to work, SnoreZen has been giving partners a good night sleep and improved the breathing of habitual snorers for a long time. SnoreZen is the solution for those suffering from Chronic Snoring. With SnoreZen, Its Easy, Fast, Painless...and Silent! 1 IMPROVED...