Uhuru Kenyatta after 9-8-2022


Elder Lister
The worst prison, I believe is that in a man's mind. Being unable to live with your deeds should make a person think their current choice of actions.
I hope that Uhuru does that as he finalises his term.
Most humans will never realize this until its too late or they're in their death bed.
That reality check can be avoided but it will always come back.


Elder Lister
If I am not wrong Moi had cases in court but at his age it was probably not viable to go after him. Huyu kamwana tuko na yeye for a while if liver cirrhosis doesn't take him first.
There are reasons why rulers all over the world are given a carté blanche.l, All sins are washed and forgotten when a ruler leaves office. Open a retribution avenue and the ruler never leaves. Ask M7. In any case, such an action could cause civil strife.


The president in Kenya has some sort of protection even after office .Those even attempting to open a case will have to have a very strong case before it is even accepted.


Elder Lister
There are reasons why rulers all over the world are given a carté blanche.l, All sins are washed and forgotten when a ruler leaves office. Open a retribution avenue and the ruler never leaves. Ask M7. In any case, such an action could cause civil strife.
Hogwash! Zuma ako ndani despite protest from his ANC supporters. Satafrika inasonga mbele bila yeye.


Elder Lister
Hogwash! Zuma ako ndani despite protest from his ANC supporters. Satafrika inasonga mbele bila yeye.
Well, you do have a good argument there. That's a good exemption. Zuma took too far. He is being jailed for comptempt of court. Don't forget that he was kicked out of office before his term expired for corruption.
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Mr Black

Elder Lister
Watu wataumia sana ni PSs and CSs, they are his patsies. But that is dependent on having an executive keen on enforcing the rule of law indiscriminately, our current presidential options would never go down that road.
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Elder Lister
President Uhuru should not be persecuted in any way after leaving office.
Kibaki has been left to retire in peace. Those who went after President Moi were for financial reasons not political.

I think Kenya is setting a good political precedence of not touching retired presidents.
Otherwise no future president will want leave office for fear of politically motivated reprisals.

A lot of economic crime, or shady political deals are done under their watch. That is the political reality of any Presidency.
There is no one who can convince me that Presidents Jomo Kenyatta, Arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki and Uhuru hate Kenyans or their country. They all love Kenya or loved Kenya incase of the deceased, but no one is perfect.

Wacha Uhunye a retire in peace, Kenyans tu ndelee kunyasana na hali yetu.