Willis the Word Master


Elder Lister
Leo amenifundisha mambo. Nimekuwa nikifloat kama Giovanni Cupello.

Apostle is pronounced as "Aposle." Not Apostle.

Kudos is pronounced as "cue-dos" Not Kudos.

Pizzeria is pronouced as "Pitzeria" Not Pizzeria

Criteria is pronounced as "Craiteria" Not Criteria

Flour is pronounced as "Flower" Not "Flaa"

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Elder Lister
I realized the way Kenyans pronounce tortoise is wrong.
Via willis, I realized the way I and many Kenyans pronounce many commonly used english words is wrong.

Willis said e.g the British can tell instantly if a negro is from Naija, .ke, ug, tz or SA etc by the way they miss pronounce certain english words.


Elder Lister
I had to sleep over the shopping list to decode steak (ribeye) ...and yeah, dictionaries can't agree if it is ribeye, rib-eye or rib eye...